Radosław Sikorski (Photo by EPA / ALBERT ZAWADA)

During a recent meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski proposed redirecting social benefits for Ukrainian refugees residing in Germany directly to Ukraine, as reported by RMF24.

According to Sikorski, Ukrainians can receive up to €1,200 ($1,290) per month in social benefits in Germany, but he believes these funds would be better used to support Ukraine directly.

Sikorski argued that such financial incentives encourage Ukrainians to remain in Germany.

"It's not right that there is a financial incentive to stay in Germany instead of men fighting on the front lines and women rebuilding the tax base," Sikorski said.

Germany continues to host the largest number of Ukrainians with temporary protection status (1.11 million people, 26.9% of the EU total). Poland follows with 976,205 people (23.7%), and the Czech Republic with 369,610 (9%).

In Germany, a growing number of Ukrainian refugees are finding employment. However, German Finance Minister Christian Lindner has proposed introducing a new legal status for Ukrainian refugees. This aims to reduce social benefits costs and attract more recipients to the labor market.