EU ambassadors approve 4.2 billion euro aid to Ukraine under Ukraine Facility program

EU ambassadors have approved a 4.2 billion euro tranche for Ukraine under the Ukraine Facility program, the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU reported on X.

The tranche will arrive in September, following final approval by the EU Council, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine wrote.

In the second quarter of 2024, Ukraine met nine indicators outlined in the Ukraine Facility program.

These steps include digitalization of the State Customs Service, budget planning, public investment reform, anti-corruption efforts, corporate governance for state-owned companies, relaunching the Economic Security Bureau, approving the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan, adopting the Strategy for the Thermal Modernization of Buildings by 2050, and adopting the anti-mine strategy until 2033.

During the third quarter of 2024, Ukraine plans to meet nine more indicators, allowing it to receive 4 billion euros in November 2024, of which 1.5 billion euros will be grant funding.

These steps include:

  • Increasing staff of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office.

  • Enacting changes to Ukraine's Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code regarding anti-corruption.

  • Approving the action plan for the implementation of the Asset Recovery Strategy for 2023-2025.

  • Approving a comprehensive Strategy for Demographic Development until 2040.

  • Adopting a Deregulation Action Plan.

  • Enacting a Cabinet of Ministers' resolution on amendments to the State Strategy for Regional Development for 2021-2027.

  • Implementing the REMIT Law.

  • Adopting the Law of Ukraine on Prevention, Reduction and Control of Industrial Pollution.

  • Developing a concept note defining the scope of deviations from the rules of environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment.

In 2024, Ukraine expects to receive 16 billion euros in support from the European Union, of which 3 billion euros will be grant aid.

Read also: Industrial inflation in Ukraine grows by 14% in one month marking a 30-year record